Wednesday, June 17, 2015


of course I'm the small town girl from Kansas (so you probably won't find this really surprising) but I love bonfires. Just the fact that you can sit around and chat and truly invest in people and spend time with them is something that I think should be forever cherished.
too many times I think our generation is about having friends that go and do things with you-it's always a "going, going, gone situation." I don't think we take the time to truly get to know someone and talk about quality things. I was meeting with a new friend last week (who is a quite a few years my senior) but she's so much fun! Kids my age probably think it's weird that I can call a woman less than 5 years younger than my mom my friend. But I don't think it's weird at all!
This woman has had some great experiences and can really relate to me! She's single and has lived and traveled and met so many great people and it's a thrill just to sit (and drink great espresso) and talk with her. And in the hour and half that we met, we talked more about life and experience and what we wanted to do (as she is single and can pretty much choose to do as she pleases) more than I've talked with friends I've known most of my life.
this past weekend I got to spend time also with friends (although much closer to my age) and the same thing happened. We spent some time playing around on instruments, and just talked. no phones. just quality time. and then we went and played soccer, and had a bonfire and s'mores. and I realized these are truly real friends.

my friends help build me.
my friends challenge me.
my friends can call me out on things-because sometimes they can tell I'm changing when I can't.
my friends always care about and love me.
my friends encourage me. (even to go beyond your comfort zone)
my friends believe in me.

"A true friend freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeably." -William Penn

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