Sunday, November 10, 2013


oh my goodness, in hopes of making this post short i will jump right in....

this weekend i was blessed with the privilege of visiting Kansas State University. with a full tank of gas and an excited heart i set out with a friend to visit the biggest college i have visited to date.

HOLE. E. COW! what a beautiful campus! if you haven't seen it, look up pictures! it's beautiful. and although the school is home to 25,000 students it does not feel that large at all. (although my jaw did drop when i saw Hale Library, which is every definition of the word massive. it has five floors! i was pretty much in awe)

while visiting my friend and i got to be part of "campus life" by going to a musical (which my friend got the lead role in and i couldn't be more proud! he was phenomenal) and then we also got to go to a men's basketball game....although KSU lost by 2 to UNC, it was still a good experience.

from the bookstore and donut shop, to the deli and coffee shop, it's easy to understand why Aggeville is such a great location in Manhattan. it was lovely.

after visiting, we saw my grandparents and then traveled to sterling kansas and got a cup of coffee from  the Broadway was bliss. simply put.

after this weekend of adventures i enjoyed the presence of some of my dearest friends and then proceeded to drive home...once i got home at 12.30am the reality of my weekend extravaganza hit me all i want to do is sleep...but homework calls away i go.