Saturday, May 23, 2015

Family Reunion.

Finals. Done. 
School. Done. 
60 hour week. Over (Thank God) 

Now I get to spend all weekend with my family!! My mom (aka Ma) is the youngest of 10 kids. Historically it was really hard for all of us to get together in one place. But since my uncle bought a massive (and I mean massive) house a few years ago we have been able to get together more often. Which I love! The cousins closest to me in age live far away (Minnesota, and like 6 hours from where I live now) so it's always fun to see them and see what they've been up to! And then getting to hold all the baby cousins I never get to see is also lots of fun! and gah, the food. the food. 
This weekend we are also fishing in my uncle's pond. He got it stocked for this weekend. And he's been feeding the fish for a long while now. And then....we are eating them! 
(Only after typing this did I realize that some people probably find a fish fry a really hick thing) 

^^(it is kind of a hick thing, but definitely a bucket list item) 

Ok. So I should probably pack...cause that's not done. and I'm blogging. and we leave in 50 minutes. 

K bye. 


Wednesday, May 13, 2015


I'm ecstatic about finals.

(if I was holding a mic this is when I would tap it and repeat what I said)

I'm so excited to be done with this semester of school!! Not because it's been a bad semester or I haven't liked teachers or anything like that. but simply because I want it to be summer. I want to run around outside and for pete's sake I even want to mow. This school thing can get me kind of stir crazy.

but now I have to focus....just a matter of hours now and I'll be free for a while. As someone who took summer classes last year...this summer is going to be bliss. And with moving to a new city and meeting new people next year, and getting to be around some of my best friends and living only blocks from them instead of miles, I would think you'd be happy if you were me too!

ok. now back to studying.


(but gah so much excitement)
