Saturday, March 14, 2015

growing up.

In my life I've realized there was a point I reached that I no longer wanted to be selfish.

I think there is such a humbling aspect of serving.

My friends and I joke that I'm the "mom" of the group. I want to cook, I want to serve, I want to do dishes when they aren't mine to do. These things aren't necessarily things I like to do all the time-sometimes I don't want to touch dishes, like ever, I'd be just peachy to never do them-

but it's not the's the heart in doing the task. 

So as I'm getting older and growing up, I'm trying to keep my heart pure in my servanthood and realizing that it is truly a way to show that you care about people in your life. God willing, someday when I'm a wife and mom I want to be able to have the same heart of servanthood. I want to be able to serve and love my family and never have bitterness or anger about it. I want to teach my children to do the same thing! I think serving each other is such a pure thing that gets overlooked.
My mom served us for years, and I never really appreciated it, and in the last year it's become something I've noticed, and I'm thankful for.

I'm loving growing up and learning all these life lessons, even if they're hard to swallow.

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