Thursday, March 26, 2015


do you ever just feel so over your head you don't know what to do?

when I was younger I loved going swimming. remember those moments when you were under the water, holding your breath, and fighting every instinct to take a breath, but fighting your way to the surface, knowing it was almost there. and in the single moment before you take a breath, you felt relief? knowing what you needed was right at your fingertips?

that's my life right now. for weeks I've felt like I was swimming around in a fog, holding my breath, but I can feel the tension in the water breaking, and I know that my fresh breath of air is coming. and oh is it needed!

I'm a planner. Definitely type A. Headstrong. you name it. I've planned my life, I know what I want. It's going to happen. but in the midst of planning I was reminded that I still need to leave room for God to move. planning isn't bad. having goals isn't bad, but when those goals and plans don't leave room for Christ to do something we have a problem. It's hard. believe type A heart doesn't take much convincing to know that. but the beauty is Christ gives us control. We can let Him take the plans and goals we have or we can be completely focused on ourselves, and what we think it should look like, and never find out what a wonderful plan He may have. because I know that His plan for my life is much more beautiful than I could ever think or imagine, but convincing my heart of that is much harder than I ever thought possible.

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