Tuesday, December 31, 2013

So Long 2013.

Goodbye 2013. 
We had some good times...a lot of rough patches. 
Hard choices.
New Friends.
New Adventures.
and finding out who I truly am...although that will continue for a long time.

Every year is something new to learn about yourself, something else to be inspired by.

So Here's to 2014.
May it be all you (and I) ever wanted, dreamed, and more.

"Resolution One: I will live for God. Resolution Two: If no one else does, I still will."
Jonathan Edwards

"All of us every single year, we're a different person. I don't think we're the same person all our lives." 
Steven Spielberg

"Write it on your hear that every day is the best day in the year." 
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, December 29, 2013


As is obvious today is the last Sunday of 2013. And in 2 days is the last day of 2013. Over the past week I have done a lot reflecting over the year. Honestly there isn't a whole lot I did different. School. Work. Summer camp. Nothing "oh so exciting." But soon I got to the nitty-gritty stuff. My time. How I spent it. My actions. How I used/misused them. My money. How I spent/didn't spend it wisely. But most importantly, how I followed Christ in the last year.

THAT. that was the kicker, I began to realize all these things that had become distractions. and only those. Biggest example: Facebook. Don't get me wrong, I really like Facebook, and as someone who has many friends/ family living far away I love keeping up with people. But it is a BIG waste of my time. 90% of the time instead of doing something when I am bored, and finding something to do, such as read, or watch a good old movie, I get on Facebook, why? it's accessible. This has not only played a part in how much time I have spent with the Lord, but also school. What if instead of getting on Facebook, I studied ahead? That's a splendid idea. What about exercising? Also a splendid idea. How about blogging more often? 

All these things I have taken into major consideration in part of my "new years resolutions list." Now I am not going to be a drill sergeant and "make myself exercise 10x weekly" or anything so exhausting as that, but I have decided I will be deleting my Facebook, as a favor to myself. And I am so looking forward to what the new year brings. I believe I may find myself even more this year than ever before.

Other items on my New Years Resolutions list:
eat healthier
be more active

because who can doubt being more healthy is on everyone's list! ;)  

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day.

I love this time of year. Getting to be with family, etc. But every year, I have to remind myself how blessed I am. In my "world", there isn't a lot of poverty, there aren't a lot of people I know that go hungry. Everyone celebrates Christmas and gets gifts. It's a good smack in the face sometimes to realize not everyone lives the life I live. 

Now I don't come from a super well off family, and I'm fine with that. I enjoy them and enjoy working hard for what I have. Yes, sometimes it's tough to try and balance work and school and church, and all other activities, but such is life for me. I wouldn't change it for anything. The Lord has blessed me, and what a better time to declare thankfulness than now in this time of year. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Winter Months.

There is a certain curse that the winter months hold. Something that makes your heart ache for warmth. Something that makes you never want to leave the place you all home. The worst though, is that feeling of being alone. Sometimes you just want to drink a cup of coffee with someone. Sometimes you want to snuggle up under a blanket in front of a fire, with someone else there to hold you.

There most definitely is a curse that winter seems to bring. Being alone does not seem so bitter in the summer time, when you can adventure, and spend time out doors. But the walls that keeps us out of the cold seem to hold us hostage in a sense, and everything seems more grey.

However. There is beauty in this too. What a blissful time to be alone. To drink that coffee alone, and just think. To read a book, or watch a movie, or for once just enjoy the silence.

Yes, even in bitterness there can be bliss.